John Myers
I Hire an Aunt
You crouch under the bridge
when I try to hire you.
Tell an aunt
the truth.
Do you yawn when
crying too.
I fit most
of the things you make
for me so draw
a conclusion.
I repeat this
to myself in the bath.
My warm body
sickens it.
I used to drink
but my aunt knew.
Who can hire a future
they crave anyone can.
I fold my newer
keep to my chest like
a heart which never dies.
No transaction.
For company.
I hired an aunt
to bore myself.
She was born here.
We both were.
What do you want
to do with everything.
No trouble
but a complicated
Your shoulders create
for me a ship.
I feel
so adoring.
I want to pass it around.
A braver me might.
I put myself
into the future like a sound.