Thomas Osatchoff
I Always Wonder

Going to the other bank,

are we to be commended for our tries? Ill like that otter

going to the other bank while we’re dusting off our shoulders like furniture. Tables for eating.

You ever eat wild sockeye salmon maple nuggets? Thinking blunder, do you ever wonder

without your hawk eye if salmon can swim backwards? Upstream is getting to be a bit

of a gold dust dream. Colder compared to what it once was. Rank, were we ever wise?

Humans are farms. It’s not a new idea but amidst all these soldered flies soldiering to make thunder—

just think of this re-lit. Farms. The harm. Family? Living until we’re older on Maple Drive, eating. Eating

what? Little radioactive bits: these salmon maple nuggets are so good. They have maple syrup

and an alder wood smoke taste causing everything to hurry up. Causing

all of it to rise.