Adam Day
from Midnight’s Talking Lion and the Wedding Fire

“Once they fear you, they cannot be contemptuous toward you

anymore,” after parole they go on a journey” to become

capable of think, elsewhere, community, and “The Other.

Meanwhile, great shock when average youth around immigrant

age perhaps realize she is at least not French enough –

the naming action that normally makes things sense fails;

the world which she finds herself, and by which she might

hope to define herself does not exist, as such, so she does not

exist for that world.


Adam Day
from Midnight’s Talking Lion and the Wedding Fire

And what has her parents endure? When she finds the world

considered beautiful, not like, not peopled by those who look

like a group of people othered by a larger section for turning

inward, and away a young faith wanes. And they othered they.

Not unlikely. Finally approached larger but and also. Not

unlikely very people approach them out of bi-directional.

isolation; those from outside often do not know how to engage

desire. James Baldwin phenomenon: “Think any purpose to get

another’s matter liberation, for example, it is also a matter of

yours. If you’re working, and we’re working together, and it’s

not just because we’re going to do something for poor people,

but because it’s for each other: to save this, these, rather

frightening years of this almost double-decade.”

Adam Day
from Midnight’s Talking Lion and the Wedding Fire

Like incarceration America: extra-realism of prisons compels

balking at the resistance of poetry to conventions

of evidentiary writing.” Wright goes on at least among

American poets, the documentary vision intertwined the lyric

impulse with sporadic events of proportion—Depression

struggle: civil always war…readily reminded of Testimony...

of the Dead,” or “Driving Louisiana pass four prisons

in the spirit of manifest public works.” So this is who we jailers

jailed. This is spirit.

Adam Day
from Midnight’s Talking Lion and the Wedding Fire

Meanwhile, only 14.5% Americans live. 54% of whom are not

African American or Hispanic. Wright points out:

Interrelation abuse and the naked eye blaring out statistics

of the developed rate of a distant second. The Association

for Mental Illness has some 70% of youths in state and local

juvenile justice facilities, warehouses for becoming. France

has a poverty of first-generation immigrants in, between, bars,

barred, 70% are Muslim – while comprising only 8 – 10 %

of French fervor.

Adam Day
from Midnight’s Talking Lion and the Wedding Fire

Their cités told him of the incarcerated: “explained that weak

inmates who never receive visits are offered new identity,

a vision inverting order places top bottom” France more

susceptible; outlook of thought unwavering; complimented

by tendencies to mind. “One of the diseases communicated

comes from huddling together in the pale light of insufficient

answer to a question we are afraid. “More conversion

predisposed people with time hands: the more affluent,

imprisoned, underemployed.

Thus, the social associated with susceptibility; the West more

complex than just born insecurity. What gap bridges affluent,

well-placed extremes and the low-income, under-educated

seclusion living fracture. Certain skin tone, last values name

a fit or find in the world in one oneself. This is people media.

Urged color in the West, to join the West.