Neil Flory


what barb connect

flockout gracenote dissonance

to the gray margins/ (thumbsmudge better

here than brushstroke) the roll’s

binge crosshairs=&it’s not

the outlast question (no, ask lacerate for

deepermuscles) of

parlortric k

eye= the old hat/

cane/penny/pound & now you’re



thepaltryperiod, didn’t I ask

for a comma)

mudwater depth that fooled

of earth/that fooled of

waitaminute damnyourbait&switch


Neil Flory
there are worlds that boil for this


. they signed

contracts preventing future funnelclouds from

turning north.

thousandfold fixate dictate pinpoint endpoint stopaction timelapse

through forward to the likely resultant if current conditions hold

unabated let’s encase current conditions in gold-flecked cement

cement but even gallons of piping soup couldn’t keep the

customers from hellbent pressurepoint screaming screaming/


spaghetti on the floor; sweat-beaded manager barking mop&broom

orders yet the chef stepping deftly softly around the sauce-mess

every time back and forth waffling back before the seething

grill. there are worlds that feed on this. pretty polkadot bow crowning

a small box: he sets it on the stove passionate vigorous kissing kissing

the bow again again even as the flames licking up. icestorm’s rage

in the dining room; slashing scarred chairs, collapsing tables under

glacial weight, old men frozen bristling shrieking wretched hysterical

locked in ice-knife meshteeth of concluding want; epochs and vast

spans inconceivable, there are unseen galaxies that twist starving

in this. as a preliminary step let’s discuss whether the hypothesis

will be proven or disproven

. (force of totality

dwarfing sums, each part silently birthing ghost-sister

accumulations) &he hyperventilates/ to hear ontological

conclusions in the clinkings of cups&saucers &he’s red-faced

muscle-quivering mouth-foaming to read existential bedrock in

tangles of noodles or the shatterpatterns of dropped plates/ but

overpouring tenfold gallons of piping coffee couldn’t thaw them

from the grip. yes, we observe the front door swinging open but what’s

underlying (underboil) is the outside teeming turn-on-a-dime city might

as well be a further-flung universe removed. his loving mustache

bursting to flames as the cardboard turns to ash

, (out in metropolis mess-language of

unmarked highway cloverleafs, the madrush manic drivers exiting

thisway&that to diceroll


Neil Flory

gross negligence of the bland



flintlock gridface baffle less the waffleiron jig on the contrapositive

crashing embossed falter flushing less blat plunging flunk all the

halfdead gnats flit the skrinkly porcelain sink-crack lest scattered bulb

&your laceup shoes minding your please &arrowed proofs all your

fleas and the blue-toed hypochondriac blathering on delirious about

crooked urban crosswalks &Magritte’s appleface sneering back like

the stuttering purplemartins of stagnancy purplemartins of lollygagging

four hectares west of nowhere martin mar

tin rings like

said Martians finally landing in Martinique for shrimp salads and hasty


maybe fleas hover a bit

at grimy windowpanes, nothing least through

little red-wig man

otherway on teetering motorscooter, the oaks largely blocking

our filterview; some potential realization of Magritte


ver of

light slicing the page on the words if relinquish but the old

porcelain sink &scores

of half-dead mosquitoes, Magritte’s appleface sneering anyway chip


away mornings in floodstage kissing hastily cheap


seems we could never quite

sketch out the motionless non-complaints of ferns&twigs in our

non-concepts of this &elsewhen, turn to

mudpuddle wonderful glee &bright balloons &all the kids abandon these

pervasive sub-rusty grindtoahalt


cuits darn it

man quit

moochin off my metaphor

[exclaims Edward

from backstage]