Steve Timm
From Glee Ha Glue Time
Chapter 30

well that is it, arisn’t it?

with Glutfolly havenly broachybreached the stubject

the stigly matter of what the coffin has for suppance

the old pinochle parlor torpendo

rilely, a what for your traugmata, Gluey, a winch fro yer sowel

i mint wince but the palatocranial hoistdad’ll doo

lemming a hand widge ya

i ain’t (we’re past the) askin’, the parin’ theoticals

who wouldn’t craw for helpings-the-dangledandled-selves

who hews the owl’s sere tongue

who here hooves the bee’s slippery alms

whop kerstands the sloughering greave

glowly, Grinacle! the quests you shunt!

shunt have, divvyadentend?

suchal urplaints do we all halve in the dew

Steve Timm
From Glee Ha Glue Time
30th Verse

purchence, perhence, parl hap prone

onweeps of detence and fure

the tōnātors perplode

the zonerants con and vene

what in the poor to be doing is done yet

yon dun knacks the brokered

go-oners all, gonders, glad and wan

thankatopsia the even ever nigher evener

Steve Timm
From Glee Ha Glue Time
Chapter 31

dear gadderling palped in fluff


Goretox kertackles tender botany

adjust the minúte, the scarpscape & other meanensities

Gubble avers the rev in the mechanity

accowls the seatless stamenites

that may bury you, inturn

Gullig stucks his sobhand inna pocket

toof ’n’ stuff ’n’ sursense

dare i sedded it, slaid Glunger

true rue his sour lens

howl of heard it, scrimes ’e skeert nobuddy

budot and toemat, he dísecreted

croaking his best, growlesser demesne

ledgery gluddon glattening the mirror’s backside

daz ye weight, fringes, step yaside

Steve Timm
From Glee Ha Glue Time
31st Verse

pareil ice, fire, notwhats

whetstone-wet-wing, echo behone echo

ice in small plates addounds the shore

otheronder misdireccives to stand at the near far of

nest of ear, condonable rapture at so slight

glad enung to’ve seen to arreck

bythere closing the dyscircuit

Steve Timm
From Glee Ha Glue Time
Chapter 32

Goddungerdam mispocked his lips

bilgery mashadoodle the nightlong day

wafted you, expectador? don

’t let it hit you etc olé

which is straight suffish if you got one

glancers, gillies Glugoogoyl, surglimpse the glean

he duffed exglammed it ’ad ’e the strainth

(as you can beam tov)

wreckellage vernalwhere!

spunts crunted to duntish gunts!

gleehee ta dat tada, glops ole Gleehahee

he’d of oléd could ’e’ve

but that was grates and brakes he swallowed

so its was down the gulleydamned gullitch for our Glueshtick

gluck on, frail chiggen, there’re more epoesiodes to gum

Steve Timm
From Glee Ha Glue Time
32nd Verse

scended morning bearings

braingray or -grayed, parse fluition

cludes like magnets grabble, a la la

day as unlike any other as any

my doublequestered sister

requel morass

ducks on the grass this cooless daystart