Joshua Martin
high visibility oranges
lightweight earplugs
resist touchstones

reverend tooth
bruises relief
packaged tuna
solid wreaths

herd of clever indications
goading turn of the century
storms perform mouth to mouth
jealous as steel toed horns

centimeter ribbons
unfolding joyless igloo
Joshua Martin
Emergency exit Riddle balm
Flapping churlish eater of stones
rejecting wispy childhood insects
pulsation mOOn bAr NoNe SuCh pits
against polluted cLuBs running scars
                 , , , , ,
> ‘easily gigantic wimpy firearms
    doth thou hairy pelvis endure’ <
                       w/o ) eager
                             IN a BLOCK . . .
           crashing dumbwaiter canister
                   , , , shapeshifting diaper rash of
                                        lOrE . . .
      bEEhive flannel worms
      elegantly splayed on operating table ((((( ‘onward
missionary ozone sandwich fist’ )))))
          ><      ><      <>
                ; | of gone | ; | of wrath | ; | of pier | ; ; ;
\ then thread the list centuries reject / : : :
                         sTancHiON nightlight
                         of friendless bliss.
Joshua Martin
Grove Treetop Cycle Door Jamb
Characteristic bowtie umpire
amplified quarter pound of pimple
stumbling forward unless heavier
on the foot / polymorphous / semantic,
                       drift turned a lambast
                       then fallow as a bookend.

     Screwed notational manacle
     pulsing hurtful camera rewinding,
       & FOUR million
                LeSs a maverick
                stumbling block

          Separated ukulele answering machine,
          same medley, different pinwheel,
          furnished blasphemy for a comb.