Michael Rerick


For Science


Whales—cetaceans (Ger. Wale), n. Boned and watered and blooded—formally known as land mammals, accrued many adaptations: swimming.

Spyhopping occurs during turbulent water, airplanes, and boats, making the ocean suspicious: confused at in and outlets, a poke above water—see the little i—exposes whale louse to seagulls (on land this is “latent hunter gathering” or “to opine at a café”).

Hearing, and therefore sound, and therefore the acoustic medium, is important. Yet, how a song sings without air over chords, is a mystery.

Oddly, Freud—1856-1939—knew icebergs but didn’t mention narwals: it seems he never dreamed of a horn knocking fish for feeding. Nor do Darwin’s—1809-1882—papers ask why whales are so big.

Enemies: some theorize intelligence.

Infants wedge in a mother’s fluke, roll and brush the belly, rest on the back during sleep and knock heads at signs of danger; though, whalers from Maine—n. N E U.S. Cap. Augusta—and other whaling nations—i.e. Earth n. Earthed and watered—claim harpoons create no sensation.

Most migration routes hug coast lines—“summer” to Homo sapiens—though from giant squid scars, as noted by Melville—1819-1891—deep diving can be postulated.

An accurate sleep count cannot be ascertained; it is supposed night migration continues as usual or falls off. The portraiture of the spar position suggests either the observer anthropomorphizes or the whale frames in an ocean.

Enemies: man, n. Piece used in a game; also, Boned, aired, and blooded.

Dominant bulls deprived of dominance migrate solitary and perform multiple breeches—also known as urban “club hopping”—which, after feeding, is accompanied by much water expulsion from the mouth.

It is unknown if Keats—1795-1812—or Eliot—George, aka Mary Ann Evans, 1819-1880—dabbed processed ambergris behind their ears; yet, common blubber is a know insulator, also buoyancy also food storage device which, incidentally, can keep the whale warm from 24-36 hours after death.

Mating—i.e. youth—occurs gently between a swift female and two achieving males.

Balaenoptera musculus reach whalehood at 5 years—though most reach faster—lack baleen—a collection of plates to capture food—and as babies consume 50 gallons of buttery milk a day.

Sonar—so(und) na(vigation and) r(anging)—disrupts, supposedly, underwater acoustics—known as “below the surface threat”—though deep water migration routes seem unaffected (an area of particular interest to Wittgenstein—1889-1951—though his fragments, from the blue whale to common porpoise, seem scrubbed of this allusion).

The whale’s art is thought—v. Intention—to be its song.

[note. diagram of the spar position, head reclined, fluke resting on the shallow bottom]