Crane Giamo

A Language


                                                                        that there are things and                                                                                    
                                                they verge to name :: for they’re

                                                departing sake :: they dub

                                                                        theirs :: dispossessed
















                                                                        amid( an orchard

                                                                        =s) elusively


































                                                                        begs what :: noise what
                                                                        :: faint such cure








[ mid bounty ]


                                                             aching supports | in-dwelt sound drape the gulf en steer



                                                             to unattached    words--


+1 [and cast seal]











                        blood let neath | tear of etch wooden  
                        continuance out | in-brought from forth















+2 [ levels ]
















                        abide to would be    |    if not    if not

                        mouth :: stone               words :: cloth









+3 [ opposite of ]




















                        depths etch and spade
                        mute space in-naming

                        space, name sake veils               


                        anything strands by in


+4 [ distant ]



                                                                                    trills eyed could


                                                                                    ‘nt filial braze
                                                                                    in-iris space                            


                                                                                    far brindle draught































                                                            # [ or in-vestigial

                                                            salve, optics

                                                post of shadow


            memory, if mourning’s

time failing to embalm ]









-4 [ -draught ]























                                                                                           pores wall their there

                                                                                           adjacent by distant




-3 [ in ]




                                                                                                                                   aperture | opposite of

























-2 [ is to ]







                                                                                                                              near to forbearance                                                                                                                   
                                                                                                                              distance :: leveling



















-1 [ from forth ]














                                                                                                                 in-intervals cast between


                                                                                                                 and seal












[ unattached worlds ]























                                                                                                                        rinse amid bounty